the second lecture x told the steeple and director -- and the spoke at thelater wisconsin state agricultural society in milwaukee and asserted the need to bring new machine technology into agriculture, a steam plow, for example. during his early political career, neither lincoln nor his political allies considered how this new industrial and technological order may affect the american natural landscape. by the 1830's, some of the critics of industrialization were beginning to surface. henry david thoreau born in massachusetts was going into adulthood as the economic and natural landscape of new england was undergoing changes brought by industrial revolution. in 1849, he published a short book, a week on the concorde and merrimack rivers, based on a book trip he and his brother john made from concorde, massachusetts to concorde, new hampshire, 10 years earlier. he lamented how the dams erected on the new england rivers had prevented fish like the salmon and shad from swimming upstream to spawn. they had virtually disappearedp. had, this man has perchance let them free to enter. in another essay titled walking, pu