. >> what do you xbleen whmean? what was so prominent to you? >> the fact he put out that much information two hours after the event happened. it's clear his staff working inside are being very methodical, conducting a very professional operation. the investigation itself. as well as the marshalling all of the other agencies to work for them, that's ongoing. so i think that he has a, has shown great professionalism, personally and his agency, and the howard county sheriff's department. so that was a lot of information to put out, and i think, also, the fact of promising to be back in a little over two hours with more information. a promise to come back with facts that were asked during the questioning period. i think he did a very good job in putting out a lot of information in a hurry. >> in fact, howard county police saying, 4:00, its next briefing there before the cameras outside the mall. if not sooner. so you feel that they've been able to learn naa lot in a shor amount of time. even the police chief kept saying, just a little over two hour