the home for soldiers and sailors opens at xenia has been repaired by the works program and. the modern dairy plant has been constructed from which the milk consumed by 700 orphans. the other institutional project in ohio are the rebuilding of a wing of the old people's home at napoleon after its destruction by fire and construction of a half million dollar tuberculosis sanatorium at toledo. severe from floodwaters in recent years has all the resources of government in an effort to eliminate this peril to lives and property, wpa did a large part of the cleaning up after raging torrent subsided in the spring of 1936. and they. and the program is being carried forward by the construction of 56 flood control dams and 246 levees and retaining walls. the planting of 4 million trees is part of this plan. one of the shore places of toledo is the new naval armory, largely built from salvaged with the assistance of the works programs. serving as a training center for toledo's naval reservists and marines and as a civic and social center. the armory contains a large drill deck, gymnasi