. -- xiame.x successfully launched a rocket into space, but the attempt to reuse the rocket by landing it on a barge l just short stop elon musk live tweeted the whole thing. looks like alton nine landed fine, but excess lateral velocity caused it to tip over. i'm joined by a former acid a -- nasa deputy director. cory johnson is still with me in the studio. give us an idea of what you think might have gone wrong and why this is so hard to do. guest: people have been trying to take advantage of the reusability of rockets for decades. i think this is so incredibly close that we are just going to be able to see this happen in one of the next couple of lunches. i cannot regulate anymore than elon musk has. the fact that twice in a row within a couple of months, they have found the drone ship and have been able to land on it too hard for survival, but still it's a huge success. let's not forget that the rocket launched successfully and will be docking with the international space station on friday. e