the founder xiaochi was a fan of online novels. >> she and her team developed an application which allows to view novels as well as post their own, critique others works, and interact with writers. these features gained considerable support from readers. >> the company now has 60 employees including app development staff, administrative staff and editors who edit submitted work and interact with writers. each editor is told to read at least 50 works every d day no matter what, and also to give advice to writers. >> the company has 50,000 registered writers. most are young, aspiring writers. twice a week a promising newcomer is chosen from among them. >> the company has signed contracts with roughly 3,000 writers to reward them for their novels. as their first paid projects from the company. one woman signed on in 2017 as a paid writer. >> li hangiing writes novels and works as an editor. >> she gets paid $7 for 1,000 characters. to make a minimalal living from just novels, she'd have to write 120,000 characters a month. >> believing in her own future, li now spends all her free time writi