one of them is functioning in the y. p.g. and or of the people ids functioning in northern syria and the p.k. case functioning in southeastern part of turkey but a lot of people say that they're in the ties of them being kurds is what connects the two groups whereas one is fighting isis and one is deemed a terrorist organization is there any merit to that them saying that they're connected surely for the fact that they're kurds well of course not i mean we have multiple parties in the united states of america we can be relating democrats to. conservatives just because of the fact that you know they're both american so that's very logical i believe and you know they all saw themselves repeatedly said that they're not actually. there are two separate entities at the end of the day ok and mattis has also met obviously with president i don't want today and the two expressed commitment to a bilateral relationship what do you think was earning one's primary concern he might have expressed to mattis his primary primary concern has b