what do you consider the most successful y.c. companies?> it is pretty much the ones with the highest evaluations. the three with the highest are airbnb, dropbox and stripe. >> did you know early on they were going to be hits? >> we knew the founders were good. >> what was it about them? what was it about them? >> different things. different things about the two of them. in drew's case, he was the guy who could write this software. dropbox suceeded by solving an almost impossibly hard problem. airbnb is different. it is this mass movement where people are staying in people's house worldwide. >> we were skeptical and i remember thinking we don't remember what the idea is. these founders are awesome. we're funding them. >> patrick from stripe, i have known him since he was 14. back when he was a high school kid in ireland. he used to email questions about programming language, and i had no idea he was a kid. >> now these companies are worth billions of dollars, if you look at that, if they had the opportunity, would they have sold? >> if some