heart broken heart in the name of arzoo souza, set it to say, say from the crying winds of hadi , yaar allahpeace be upon ali muhammad and the family of muhammad, baba , the phone of the workers of the evening , my heart is listening to the cries of asghar , my heart is dying . gharib tharullah hossein gharib tharullah hossein tharallah hossein gharib tharallah at every stage of the ship, o shrine of lehman, the micro ship, i think it is a flower leaf that does not have a simple arrow and download . i will sleep tonight. mehraban ali asghar mehraban ali asghar mehraban ali asghar jan fada ali asghar asman the sky came , o god, from poverty, o god, ali, in the name of sir with the name of cold excellence, every heart was cherished by the literature, which in the form of ritual literature has had a great understanding in the continuity of its red lines , because the views of the world's creative art about historical events have both themselves and themselves in the history of literature . iran , 4th century hijri, the poems of kesai marozi are regarded as the initiator and flag bearer of shia