and then he would -- michael cohen would get indicted or robert mueller would be appointed or yady yahdyiad da. but the crisis and suffering and the state leaders' effort to blame it on renewable energy, just shows how dire these infrastructure in terms of not doing the things that the climate crisis required, how exposed and vulnerable we are. >> well, and all fairly predictable too, nicole. this isn't -- this isn't something that there weren't some descriptions of needing to plan for this type of winter storm. it happened not too recently, or fairly recently. and yet nothing was done to plan for it. i mean, i'm tempted to start all the answers with what you led in with, which is if we can put a rover on mars, can't we figure out how to operate a power grid effectively in the second largest state in the nation? and i think the political ramifications of this are going to be wide. this is going to be the number one issue in the texas legislature. and it may not have been in the top 20 of only a few days ago. and i think there is a lot of questions that people throughout the state and throug