but how much the general picture vaccine, hesitancy, conspiracy theories about bill gates yadi otto.affects the overall picture or decision-making sphere, which all these folks are operating. >> you know chris and goes both ways really. you could say, this is going to have a navigate of impact on the issue, of hesitancy, but on the other hand, it might actually work in the opposite direction. because people want to know that safety is a very important issue. often when people are hesitant, they say i'm not really sure that this was really carefully looked at. is it really safe? i think what you see happen today, was the fact that safety was put right up front. it might last just a pause for a few days and go back in. but at least, the system worked. people were watch this very carefully, in they saw something that was suspicious, that might mean something, and they said okay let's wait a minute, and take a really careful look at this. so i think it fortifies the whole concept, that we take safety very seriously. >> it's interesting as you say that now it's a testimony to the surveill