let us praise the mother of god and the mother of light with songs, grace, pure yahora. rejoice, and i say again, rejoice, your son was resurrected on the third night, and the dead were raised by people, rejoice, shine, laugh, new jerusalem, glory to the lord, for you are for... dead, divine people, and your word is straw, with us, because indeed we have promised to be until the end of the age, christ, having the lord, we faithful rejoice in hope, christ rose from the dead, blessing and most holy christ, oh wisdom and words of god and strength, may we have a welded lot of thirst with you. the bearded man stood up. your presence, your presence, again and again, in the peace of the lord, let us pray, lord have mercy, intercede, save, have mercy, and protect us, god, with your grace, lord have mercy. the most holy, pure, most blessed, glorious ruler of our theotokos and the ever-virgin mary, remembering ourselves and each other with all the saints, let us give our whole life to christ god, lord. all the heavenly powers praise you, we give you glory to the father and the son and the holy