looking to moses in particular, yahweh being lord. i mean, they all consider that they worship the same god, just slightly different names. it's a good question, though, because islam coming- you know, judaism first, then christianity- islam considers itself to be the seal of the prophets, the final revelation. in other words, they said the jews- yeah, were connected to god, but they messed it up. the christians were connected with god- jesus is a great prophet and revered in islam- they messed it up. but the muslims have the final say, and that is added to an extraordinary rigidity when you have a predominant islamic society. and what makes egypt such an interesting twist in comparison to israel, of course, is that you've got islam, which- well, i guess i can share what reverend noor, from his perspective said. we were talking about having met moderate muslims- and i'm sure he's speaking from emotions and pain perhaps of that morning- but he says to us, "there are no moderate muslims." like that. now we have to take that in the conte