sank the yakamura? carpenter, where did you get this paper? - sir, i sneaked around, like you told me to, and i found a stack of these in admiral elliot's quarters. - do you actually think that it's possible that a goof like this parker could sink the biggest battleship in the japanese navy? - well, sir, an admiral from the pentagon is here, and it says right there.--- - you nitwit, i can see what it says right there. i'm going to check this out. there is only one way to get to the bottom of this. get me admiral rogers at comfleet. this could very possibly be another one of mchale's tricks, you know. oh, hello admiral rogers, captain binghamton here. oh, you knew. you knew. i was just calling you, sir. i wanted to check a ridiculous rumor about the sinking of the yakamura by... oh, you were going to call me about that. - he sank it. this is all your fault, you numbskull. sneaking around, stealing papers out of the admiral's quarters. making a lot of trouble. - but, sir, you told me-- - out, out, out! ge