yakov kruger in minsk and, then, during all this time, he did not stop dreaming about paris, which hereamed of some kind of art and the city lived up to his hopes, however, he did not immediately ends up in paris without being able to earn money with his work. he undertook any work about his earlier work greedily destroyed, considering it unprofessional. there he met and became friends with samodeo modigliani, who played a big role in shaping the individual painting style of the young artist in 1920-1930. they were the most fruitful period in the work of haym sutin, the time when fame and financial well-being came to him during this period , the american collector albert drew the attention of him barnes and purchased over 50 paintings for his 1927 collection. the first solo exhibition took place in the parisian galleries. chaima, sutina, the artist also took part in many group exhibitions that took place in parisian galleries among the characteristic works of the artist still life tureen self-portrait gladiolus confectioner with a red scarf woman in red fish and tomatoes bellboys and