yama sadiki is vice president of sustainability of mgm resorts. >> better use is to feed people. >> reporter the process is complicated. we think it is something were lt figuring out. >> reporter: complicated because food safety regulations require leftover banquet food to be delivered immediately for safe consumption. but now, mgm resorts has found a way to keep their excess food safe for much longer. >> as soon as a banquet is finished. food prepared but not served is transferred and loaded on to a truck from three square, a las vegas food bank. once arrives there, flash frozen in a high tech fridge, called a blast chiller and moved to the freezer. the food can be saved for up to three months. center when needed to places like the catholic charities dining room. >> this program is absolutely going to help reduce food insecurity at the city at scale. >> sadiki says they hope other las vegas hotels will follow their example. what's in it for mgm? >> well this program is one that we believe in. one of the things we get out of this program is ability to tell major convention clients that we ar