some hawaiians like walter yamaguchi, who lost his business to the lava, believes this is the work ofe. >> why cry? i just smile and start over, again. >> the hawaiian philosophy of the whole thing, if pele wants the house, let her take it. if she wants to come back and reclaim the land, let her have it. if she wants it, she'll take it. >> it creates a vast sea of rolling rock right on top of the land. more than two decades after lava destroyed 100 homes, new residents have come to build on top of the rock, even though they know the fury may return at any moment. >> what amazes me is the fact that after it came down, burned a few houses and it was present in the area, people would still build houses. right now, there are 30 or so houses that are built on the flow that took kalapana. they're sprouting up. >> the 1990 disaster in this village is just one chapter in the continuing saga of man's turbulent relationship with nature in the aloha state. a phenomenon nick plans to document for year to come. >>> coming up, a tsunami-like wave of red mud leaves a small town in ruins. >> it moved