the two incidents have only one thing in common -- james: yamashita. >> yamashita was a commander in both instances. those who want to believe that is a coincidence are entitled to their view, i don't share it. [laughter] james: yes, he [applause] james: he ordered, after singapore, he ordered the "severe disposal of chinese." i think the singaporean government listed above 50,000 killed in the wake of the fall of singapore. >> next question is to day dan's -- dan's side on the left, please. >> mr. scott, thank you, an amazing talk. my question is on the aftermath. you said moments ago, independence 1946, i actually thought it was in 1948. you also said moments ago in one of your answers that manila is so devastated you couldn't even tell where the streets ran originally. with the philippines getting independence so soon after the conclusion of the war, no longer being a u.s. territory, was there any sense that the americans have left us, they have turned their back on us, they could have done more to facilitate reconstruction, it seems like the filipinos were on their own now. james