sheriff yamimoto and his team. sharaoen and her team. fire chief and her team. chief crystal and bro basing team, they're out here. we have deputy chief scott, my cousin, no we're not cousins, bart police and his team. who am i missing? we have the park rangers and where is chief murphy and his team? [applause] dem, and mayor alan carol and her team. but most importantly, the community members. the community members who hold us accountable who push us and a lot of you are out here. we spend so much time meeting and talking and trying to plan and really, sometimes deservedly so, taking a lot of heat about what we're going to do to make this space better and make this community better. and this is a first step, but let's not let it be the last step because we have more work to do. and i just want to say also to dean and the u.s., uc a team and many of you are out here. and those biweekly meet that'sing we have, i think we've been having them for couple of years, this is what we meet for. we meet to make progress and this is real progress. so as i close, i want to