let me introduce yan dale. i think many of you know him. he is the director of the center for public space research and the school of architecture a at the royal danish academy in copeenhagen. there's a description i saw the other day about his life between buildings, which is a great title, life between buildings. i thought it was a apt way to introduce him. by the way, the three of us probably represent about 320 years of planning, so we've got the crowd beat in this area, okay. [laughing]. >> the ziption of his book goes like this. this is the best source of understanding how people use public spaces in our city. published in many languages, it continues to be the undisputed basic introduction to the inner play between public space design and social life. dr. gail advocates a sense sybil straight forward approach to improving urban form, measuring urban spaces and making gradual improvements and measuring again. with all that, let's say hello to yan gail and get started with the program. [applause] >> thank you very much for this nice in