yan petrovich, hello.otivation and life situation of the person himself, this could simply be a job search, selection of necessary vacancies, preparing a person for an interview, assistance in drawing up a resume, if, accordingly, the profession for which the person is looking for work, has lost its relevance, or there are a large number of applicants for the same vacancies , and he is less competitive, then he can enter... they started, yes, this is the level of wages, here, of course, the level that he received in his previous job will be used as a starting point, his professional qualifications, wishes for transport accessibility of the workplace, often, at least it used to be the case, that a person with a higher education, with enormous work experience comes, and he is not offered skilled labor, well, essentially sweeping the streets, this will somehow become a thing of the past, or, yes , it will certainly become a thing of the past. the new employment law is aimed at making this a thing of the past,