receive it for free, and today the first of them has already set fire to her fields, report by yan shcherbada, hundreds of square meters in the ground are irrigated with protective minutes at minimum speed, a sprinkling machine passes through the fields in the north of crimea truly historical for the first time in 8 years, this water and the severodvinsk canal with wheat and corn has already planted thousands of hectares of land. now bright green, the fields are in great need of moisture. all these years, water has been one of the main problems for farmers. catastrophically small, but now it is more than enough. i don't believe she will. i will wait for everything. this is a very big event for us, the enterprise of anatoly khomenko was the first in crimea to receive the long-awaited water . 1,100 hectares of land need to be irrigated this year alone. they also plan to plant potatoes here. this is white cupid female. she will not give somewhere in the region of 10 kg somewhere in the region of a kilogram of caviar in the north of crimea , fish fry of various types are grown over the past year,