a voluminous arystykrata , an uneasy pazbytsa nedaskanalaga maentka, and in 1849, the son of yana galynskagaeagotyka, yana velma is clearly broken up in ryzalitsa, at the entrance area, yana urazhvae, and everything else that is there. somehow it was, looking at this goth, this dekaratsiya, what, well, pavina there was on the facades, and there was fragmented. yon vyrashyў perarabits palace padhitekturalnuyu fashion ykh bastards. above the windows of the other roof, there were sculpted sandy windows, central exits, like the earlier jumping four-caloner portions from the balconies, a stack of... jumping pseudo-jumpers from the rolled pylons and also made of stone pilons, which were completed with teeth and rims. classicism panava, and raptam z'yaulyaetstsa gotyka. prychym, i’m here, uh, the whole thing was scooped out, well, i guess it’s often ryzalit, but i think it would still not be ryzalit. razalit - geta... it’s not tacky, it’s stuck out in one part of the scyana, and here this part of the scyan was stuck out, a part is significant, navat vukni, there are some things, and to make matters