let's take a closer look at this project with the european space agency's director general yana verna welcome to the w. sending astronauts back to the moon looks very exciting i'm hugely extensive will it help us solve problems we're experiencing here on earth. first of all i don't want that we sent astronauts back to the moon we want to send them forward to as the moon because this time it's in a totally different manner it's not in competition virtue of competition in the cold war but it's in geopolitical cooperation and yes exploration is very helpful for humans on air force because through exploration of you discovered for instance the climate change on earth it was not just come out on us we have developed a lot of new technologies for instance solar panels which i use now a nurse here and there but they were developed for it in space and you see a lot of other things like that so we can think about autonomous actions in space we need that right now we need it also on the earth's fuel cell it's for medicine many medicine medical experiments and investigations to be done in space so space