built in the years 37-35, when kali pasadzila yagonaga is the daughter of the atrymlivaetsa, yana yago sadzila with their frames, that is, atrymalitsa with her fathers, all her fathers, and eight gety trees, gety garden z 37- 35th year pa kali pasadzіli, so, and in addition would be dreulyany kalodzezh, all kala this tree, all the other worldly war here the germans astana, the navat gained war , the war they gained, all the first worldly war here the ancestral cyagnik, here was the front line, there were great cruelty bai, narachan aper atsyya, the first khimichsky zbroya was. i was going to europe, for example, from berlin, paris, a ticket to buy a bracelet, paris, and you live somewhere nearby, that’s right, and so i live in the neighboring scale, konstantinov’s village, that’s where my house is, where i live, how far away this is from here, 5 km from here, very close, parents help, fathers, they help so much that in their emotions, i help them. they come here, well, to relax when there are no guests, and if there is no time to rest , praca prasa, they are still right there in the village, a