university, since the month of the busy high-handed senior is prazdzhaza from medmolveresіtez, yana yaki apranayuts batyealchatki , maski we teach the basics of first aid, that's basically what the gymnasium is doing with a chemistry-bialagic profile amal 35 years old, in this hour, more than 800 graduates have become doctors, there these classes are often called medical i, here i'm going to finish my studies, and yes, at the moment of progress, it's already obvious what kind of specialist i want to acquire. in depth, why we call it medical, because we also have an optional course, which is called the basics of medical knowledge, i think that this course, it should be mandatory, because it is career guidance, in the summer these guys go to work as orderlies to the ninth hospital and there they undergo additional practice, each person in one way or another needs help from his own he must to want to help a person, to want to make his life better, to your professional experience 12 gymnasium dzelitstsa and from other schools, because the health care system is sluggish, and all kinds of specialists are worki