the trust of millions, ma mom, stores on the yandex market from ma to products from 25 minutes, yandexetnajournalism is, what and how to teach journalists, and we continue. yaroslavich , you often say that one of the main skills of a journalist is the ability, you agree with this, of course, of course, but it should not be an absolutely dominant skill, the ability to ask questions - this is also the ability to listen to answers, this is where journalists sometimes sag, but this is a universal skill, vladimir romanovich, a journalist needs this in north and south america and africa. in asia in russia, the ability to ask questions, the ability to listen to answers is also needed everywhere, but what conclusions a journalist draws from these answers and how he compares this with the available material is, of course, a national tradition, i would say that journalism in general is a national product, it a strange profession in terms of the combination of universal qualifications and national qualifications, and you said correctly, in america , in the united states of america, there is a system