you did not sign with the yanke yankees. >> you know what? no, no, trust me. >> because i'm 40? on this crap that you were not doing yesterday. that's not bipolar, let me tell you what it is? schizophrenic? >> manipulative. >> you got it, you're going really well. why would you say you're suicidal. >> i didn't say that until they put me in the chair. >> then you became suicidal? >> right. >> you really became suicidal? >> i know how to play the system. >> that's it. you know how to play the system. i don't even have to diagnose you. >> the system taught me how to play it. >> it's a new day, my dear. i'm here. >> i know you are, right, mom? >> i don't put up with crap, i told you that yesterday and told you that today and keep telling you that. >> i have been sentenced to anything so technically -- >> you don't listen. >> no, you don't listen. >> john, you can go back to your cell. you've had enough of an audience. >> boom. >> send him back and take him back. he can go back to 7-d and be without his clothes -- >> that's right. >> when you say you're suicidal i have to view you ar