but on most papers i can see the name it's a neat same name 6 yann for death period. there's no conversation right for that period has no there's no compensation. then there. we would like to thank you for welcoming us you have open your doors so we could talk with your we could meet new faces my mother she was 66 years old. these bleak and she was a man. we trusted and don't need they say didn't do us no dangerous but we realize that they lied. we told her that the polluters we'll be taken to justice and we'll pay for the cleanup there is nothing we can do for the people who passed away but we must be thinking about the future generation it starts down the it is compensation metronet has got to pay yes it. was going to come out i don't. even lady said you know i can thank you. and take it in these ideas on my hands. and believe me you know. i really i really long for you on my t.v. i mean di do we need to be really known desire we didn't yawn a month. and then you would know after that i mean regular i mean made up of we're doing normal adamah best to stick with. roo