there , it is more difficult, why yanushka chose such a form, a regular castel castle, we know that in lithuania there is a pattern of a castel castle with external hangers, we doubt the same mіrskiy zamak, we are familiar with this in contrast, the zamak in the east of the troki, and it is possible, for such people, to look as if this is the meat-bearing tradition of the principality of lithuania, but the zamak of lyubcha will be the future in another era, in the hour of the renaissance, and at the hour of the renaissance, a few other things are becoming important, it is already time to look at the ancient recession, and at the same time, we are also the most regular of the romans, for example, the roman military zhaune, and all the designs of renaissance architecture, as if not adstructural hell getai today recession, and hell is an antique recession, such chynas we are at the back of this castle , an ancient tradition is superimposed on the meat tradition, during the reign of the past, the memory of the scenes was sealed with the batai tseglay, vapnai, valunam and fractional stones.