. >> yap, yap, yap, yap, yap. poor guy. if he needs to hear it so badly, can it really be true? for me, the taller, stronger son who provided my parents with their only grandson who is named mario after my pop, it's not about what my mother sees in me, but what i see in her that matters tonight and, frankly, what we all see in our mothers. we celebrate them not just because of how they treat us, but in how they treat themselves, their sacrifice. ask my mama why and she'll give you an answer with one word, familia. family. we take care of family because we're devoted to something bigger than them or us. the cause of the collective. but right now the american family is in a period of dysfunction, we're estranged and acting strangely. 10,000 more americans could die by august because so many places are relaxing social distancing? what happened to no man left behind? now it's 10,000 is okay? look, it's common sense that that's what would happen. you don't need the models to tell you that. if you stop social distancing. that's why those who attack this reality do it with snark and cy