mubaraks is going to be replaced by religious authoritarianism which is what the middle east is now, she yaria, that's the threat to democracy, i think in freedom under the long term in the middle east. what does that mean. we and elliott is right, we have a role, we need to be pushing for religious tolerance, for an understanding the majority rule does not mean you get to impose your values on everybody else, and that there has to be some space between the state and religion. and interestingly enough, prime minister of turkey helped in that in a speech he made in cairo that really actually angered a lot of islamists because he said look, the state should be equal distance from all religions and no religions. and the state ought to run a system where all religions have a place, but the premise of that is going to be tolerance. and i think that's what we need because if there is going to be stability over the long term there has to be tolerance as an element of democracy because if we go to sectarianism where one religious group is able to impose their view on the other that is also an instabil