can already today during the air alert give you the maximum amount of information with you was yaryna koval and the program about health take care of the harvest on your plot, you want to protect it from pests and bad weather or maybe you want to collect several crops at one the season unpack tv presents a greenhouse smart owner only from uah 399 does not allow plants to freeze fruits and the main thing is to start the garden season as early as possible and extend it longer, your plants will be reliably protected modern covering material made of mr. bond can withstand frosts down to minus five degrees and also protects plants from direct sunlight, a smart owner will allow you to accelerate the growth of plants and get a harvest one and a half to three weeks earlier, the greenhouse will protect against strong gusts of wind, hail and castles, as well as from birds insects and rodents the greenhouse is very easy to install just spread the fabric and insert the arcs into the ground greenhouse smart owner from unpack tv simple and reliable way to harvest two to three times more than in the open