yasmeen filmed herself singing in the subway without a he job she was sentenced to 16 years. there's no way i'm going to wear he job why should i it's raining so beautifully. and another woman 20 year olds a bar scene here on the right was sentenced to 24 years for her video filmed without the job. more and more women are joining the movement against the compulsory job and so-called white wednesdays women protest together by holding up white head scarves they send their videos to us based iranian journalist and women's rights campaigner. she initiated the white wednesdays campaign compulsory a job is the main pillar of a religious dictatorship it's the visible symbol of gender apartheid so that is why the government is very scared upon to compulsory a job movement and they took my family hostage because they want to keep the woman shut down. mostly shows us a picture of her brother the regime is targeting her family she fears that both her brother and her mother have been arrested to put pressure on her. brother sent her this video shortly before his arrest. hello mussy the p