discussing current business, comrade colonel yasno semyonov is waiting in the office. alive.arefully. i don’t need a disassembly in the department to work, you can’t have a vacation period. you are in a difficult situation. i understand you can break loose, but you need to know the limits. take two weeks, come to your senses, then come back. thank you comrade, colonel i'll manage. a couple of years ago, i also lost my wife. i drank a lot after that. at one point, i even wanted to shoot myself. would, if not for the daughter. does every person have someone worth living for? i have i promise i'll think about a vacation. think. okay, think about it, your job isn't going anywhere. everything is free. thank you comrade colonel. lieutenant colonel i put it up for sale, a small part has already been sold. the rest is at the dealer. i told him to pour to the bottom that you are out of your mind glory to you tired of living, or what? and in general i pay you decent money, the work is not overdrawn . now the left didn't want something to go missing. it's money after all. i didn't know