yasser munif, your response to what he said?nderstand really the syrian revolution or the syrian conflict without understanding in a more global and regional context. in the global context is one where there is a major economic crisis, high and a plummet rates in europe and beyond, creating resembled among white working ,lasses and the marginalization vilification of muslims in europe and beyond. and that is also creating ammunition among the population that is reacting, part of it, will have to point this is of thea small segment muslim population, which is marginalized and part of it think going to syria in fighting in syria is a form of salvation that syria is haven and because what is referred to as the caliphate. so there is an environment of xenophobia that is very much has representation in syria. for example, the far right also backed the syrian regime. for example, david duke and others in the u.s., or in the u.k. or the national front in france or even the white supremacist in greece have backed the syrian regime. for