my question about yazmin's. with the way they responded and refused to comply, is there more than we can do beside working with mission statement in terms of their existing jam permit. it seems like it may call for a higher proportion of a response. >> so generally speaking, we move to a citation. so in this case and so it had escalated at that time. the idea is me reaching out to e-mail to inspector furintino's visit would be that verbal warning. since then, it just appears to be an extremely charged situation where director weilland fement like bringing in support is the best recourse. however, we are open to hearing your suggestions and director weilland, i see you might have something to add. >> director: yeah. i would just say i think in this instance, we did not want to take the escalation further. when we got there, there's obviously a heated dispute going on between the business owner of yazmin regarding their business next door and the mr. president was already involved. so that being said, we kind of w