it means there's no change in frequency, yehey. so if you got a blue shirt and you're standing in front of a mirror, gang, what's the image color? blue. begin with a bl. what if you got a red shirt, what would the image color be? red. yehey. so we see that, okay? it turns out going through a material to. the frequency stays the same, so the color stays the same. even though the wavelength gets squashed up a little bit, yeah? so that's refraction. show you an example of that, root beer. root beer is syrup in thick, thick mugs, why? why thick mugs? because they can give you less root beer for the same money, right? [laughs] let me test this to make sure it's really root beer. [laughs] it tastes like pepsi to me. [laughs] by golly, it is pepsi, all right? now, you guys be seeing something. the root beer goes right out to the edge, make it look like you got a lot of root beer in there. you got a lot or a little, the answer begin with a l. a little. it turned out a little, because you got a lot of glass. but to the viewer, you see the r