that was absolutely the cure percent agree with you and it's so funny back when yellen ms young was still fed chair i was on. one of the mass media outlets and they asked me what do you think she's going to do tomorrow and i said i think she's going to do nothing but what she should do is raise rates from 0 up to 3 percent and you know literally melissa like crazy what do you mean. that's what she should do but she won't do it because that would put a lot of people out of business and cause a recession and people are afraid a recession is for some reason recessions this thing hashtag m.r. ga on twitter you know make recessions great again recessions are not bad they're not evil right they cleanse the bad businesses it's like every once in a while they burn you know around he had a little ism has ups and downs ok socialism is flat you know ups and downs but everyone's equally poor right ok. and happy and right yeah yeah these up it but you need the downs are orient up with just as flat kind of economy where you have a kleptocracy at the top who are fed with these low rate was your point ab