and the first is treasure island and yerba buena island. we have been working with tie to the treasure island development authority on a new park operations and maintenance interdepartmental services proposal and an eventual mou. we've discussed funding 15 fte, one manager, seven gardeners, two natural resource specialists, a park section supervisor as well as a plumber, a painter and an arborist tech and so the way that breaks out in year one of this budget title wants us to bring the manager on six months ahead of july 1st, 2026 when a potential transition would take place and then two months ahead for all the other staff. that's roughly $600,000 and then the actual transition the full turnover to our maintenance staff and operations would begin july 1st, 2026 and that's $3.5 million and the source for that is treasurer and the community facility district funding. and then the second agreement that we have been developing is at the hunters point shipyard and this was brought to the commission last year as part of the budget process an moa