around for most a month with only a single meeting at the white house over it, and they want an answer, yesro, all in a out? >> nina tenberg, your own sense? will the president bow to this? >> i tnk it couldave the oppote effect. there is no doubt why this was leaked -- it was pressure him. the sense one gets liening to him ese days is that he is having secondhoughts abo this poly and he is not going to be rushed into it. he will not make aommitment like iraq if he thinks ere are al doubts. the report, after all, can be read more than one w. >> cby king, this was the good war, the applause le during the campaign 2008. iraq was a disaster, a mistake, but afghanistan was the goo war. what has happened? >> i think it is like a proect of hanging, it tends to concenate the mind nderfully. the prospectf putting re troopsnto afghanistan means more u.s. casualties unavoidae. more u.s. casualties,ore u.s. treasurybeing spent. obama will really have to confront that this is s war. it became his owhen he committed 70,0 more troop shortly afr taking office. -- committed 17,0 more troops shortly after tin