>> my question is for yeun.id you leave any family members behind when you left nor korea and have you had any contact with family members since leaving? >> yes, i left my father in north korea and then i brought him to china several months later. >> how did you bring him? >> the trafficker told me that i would deal with. he was going to bring my parents back to me. so he paid somebody and got my father. but all my relatives back in north korea and now kim jong-un in north korea, using my relatives and denouncing me. so i'm hoping for the best. >> do you consider yourself a hero? >> no, i'm not. i am -- i get discouraged a lot so i have biographic and there are great heroes that i respect. those people inspire me every day. >> who's next? yes. >> this question is for kyro. do you think there's any point in the future where african-americans will stop playing this and start showing what they're cape babble of? >> i think in general that victim card thing is going to go away. there's political value in it. i also