people in the pub lb schools can graduate from our system and can now be edgeable to attend a 4 year yineversity. thank you for making that happen. she was also a author of the district wide [inaudible] initiative, which is a critical part of the districts disciplineary process. the impact of this initiative is very profound in terms of impacting the lives of young people. the initiative paved the way for discussions that are happening now on how to limit in school suspensions. i can tell having been a attorney for the school district many disciplineary actions are against the poor kids and kids of color. we see a discussion of suspensions for willful defiance, which again this impacts low income and communities of color. kim she served on the board of education for a number of years and in many resects it is a thankless job. it is a thankless job that is only complicated fwhie fact that you don't get much financial comp scission for what you do. i think you still get the total sum of 500 dollars a month and yet kim approached her tenure as a full time job. she finishes her term working with thi