hit the send limit we just don't know enough about the brain to be able to make it work the way that ylemthinks it should work i admired his idea but i see no hurdles way beyond a lot of hurdles beyond the technical challenges and again it is an amazing feat to put like sounds and so happy parts in the tiny little discuses stuff medically speaking medically snuck a problem right so medically speaking what are the risks because obviously as you're saying safety is a top priority always the device and he's to be or proof because the brain fluid will be in contact with that if ice it's capsulated in titanium whatever but if the liquid leaks in it can also transport chemicals out and we don't know what micro quantities of electronic. nichols due to the brain that might kill you in 20 years' time there are those are really high standards that we are here to are that's there's a lot of developments as knurling much much less sophisticated but they never reach people because they don't meet the standards the 2nd thing is the sensors it's again amazing technology they're here they were put in the