send e-mail to yo tip number 40, improve your business by standing differently. ♪ ♪ >> a lot of judgments being made of you are not only based on the words coming out of your mouth but in sort of the disposition you are projecting. >> isn't that crazy? you spend so much time making your power point and getting all of your materials and perfecting what you are going to say. and really, i could ruin it all in the first couple of minutes if i'm standing the wrong way? >> yeah. i definitely think it goes against conventional wisdom about how to prepare for a speech. >> when you go into the room, i think that you know, for women, this is a posture that is fine. so basically, postures that signal strength and confidence are expansive. you are opening your body. as opposed to doing this kind of thing. crossing your feet, crossing your arms, touching your body. or doing something like this. >> i do often find i don't know where to put my hands. >> yeah. >> and when you get self conscious, you say as default, p