representative yoho and i quote, a. i am showing my parents i am their daughter and they did not raise me to accept abuse from men. >> you made some very memorable remarks on the house floor. i've covered congress for, not going to do it along as you've been alive but stopped in my tracks. >> in the moment, i was really shocked and for whatever it's worth, i found a lot of my republican colleagues, they go on tv or say certain things but when i was with them in committee, they would be quite cordial, but that moment, i was just really shaken up, but again, as women, we're taught to just accept and disrespect and belittling is so normalized that i had zero intention of saying anything about it. >> i cannot apologize for my passion. >> when i saw him not apologize, i said, and have that be so public, i said, we cannot show people that this is what's acceptable and we're not going to allow for this to play out this publicly anymore. >> i'm sure you've seen the audio of your speech underneath tiktok videos. >> some of them.