benjamin suarez david scott suarez ramon suarez dino xavier suarez ramirez yoichi sumiyama sugiyama williamc sullins christopher p. sullivan patrick sullivan thomas g. sullivan hilario soriano sumaya, jr. james joseph suozzo >> and my beautiful mother, barbara. mom, we miss you so much. our holidays and vacations will never be the same. but as you would want, we carried on. daddy, jennifer, jenny jeffery, miss you terribly. and you would have been so proud of all of your grandchildren, alexandria, jillian, kiera, evan lauren, brook, cameron and lindsey. we would make you so proud. we know that you're watching from up above, mom. give us the strength, and please continue to give us a sign. we love you god bless you and god bless america. [applause] >> and my nephew port authority police officer christopher. chris, raw emotions rise to the surface every year when we meet here. for the memory of what happened that day will never, ever be forgotten and will never leave us. just know that while we continue to mourn your loss, we also make sure to celebrate your life and your smile. on behalf of