yoin us fr joining us from the bridge rail foundation, thank you both for a being here pap tough subject people to talk and hear about, but it's important. we have to do it. ken i want to talk to you first about you're a former marin county coroner and a founding board member of the bridge rail foundation. >> yes, ma'am. >> why did you decide to get involved with this? >> in my years working there at the coroner's office, i dealt with hundreds of families, and realizing what really suicide is about made me want to do something about the number of deaths at the bridge. to try and stop the carnage at the bridge, because it's -- it is an icon of its own, but it's also the number one suicide destination on earth. >> it's just amazing to me that -- i guess it's hard for those of us who haven't contemplating such a thing to think about that, but, kay, you're in this foundation because of a personal situation? >> i lost my 28-year-old son michael in 2011, and i found out about the bridge rail foundation by reading the john basin book, the final leap, suicide from the golden gate bridge which ca