yokohama about 10 centimete above that, though, a little bit heavier towards the south. kofu in the higher elevations about 47 centimeters, as well. now, that's about how much you're going to see in some of these higher elevations, up to 50 centimeters of total accumulation. tokyo could still see additional snowfall before it starts to switch over to rain. then off towards the north i know this says 20, but in the next 24 hours some of these areas could see about 40 centimeters of total snowfall. with all that said, remember that warm front i was talking about a second ago? that's going to push overhead. all this is not snowfall. a lot of this down towards the south is rain. and take a look at this temperature graph. right around freezing mark through the evening hours here, but then as we go in to about midnight to 3:00 a.m., it switches over to rain, and that's because, look at that by early morning on saturday, up to 12 degrees in the tokyo area. so throughout the day on saturday don't expect the snow. it is going to be raining and some areas could see some fairly hea