it's what he's gonna do with yokuku's receiver. come on, boy. come on. go get it, boy. go! [splash] well, where are they now? now they're moving off again. in a different direction. shall we move, your excellency? no, keep them under radio surveillance. perhaps before we destroy them they will lead us to chemical j-47. here's the rock. that's where the maiden pointed. gee, there's a cave. stay back, don't come any closer. what is it? see that yellow streak heading from inside the cave? empties over the edge into the e ean. well, that's how you infect bluegilled sardines. infect them wiwi what? (solo) 'old age, judging from that skeleton.' that streak's all dried up. is it still dangerous? not now. but if there's any left inside in liqiqd form.. you stay there. mr. solo, be careful. please. i shall be a study in caution. [dramatic music] [music continues] ] [clanging] - mr. solo, are you alright? - fine, chris. - is it safe to come in? - yeah, come ahead. it's either all been washed out to sea or dried up. (chris) 'look who's here.' how do you like this? pretty smart the way