>> when yolook at individual stocks and individual market, lot of return as well. look at stocks, part of it is yet to look at the fundamentals. the other side of it is supply and demand for that security and what it has done technically. charles: radioshack, this article came out ibusiness week talking about it being 2% of what it was 14 years ago. another new strategy called less play. should anybody play the stock? >> i wouldn't. anybody on their back can get better. netflix came up with new stuff. apple was dead in the water. they came out with new products everybody loved and what best buy did, the earnings are better because they streamlined the company, companies can come back at any time. charles: jcpenney, tre is a big tug-of-war. he believes in the company, blackberry a lot of people buying back stock. the show was about investors who have gotten burned in the market. sometimes a market comes back, sometimes individual names come back, but these are three that i worry about. >> the three stocks you are talking about, jcpenney is funny because i wt to high